Saturday, December 4, 2010

18 Reasons why you don’t get laid

RooshV is my favorite inspiring person beside the first Indonesia president Ir Soekarno, he is the travel adventure and already publish books with title A DEAD BAT IN PARAGUAY, BANG, BAND COLOMBIA and my favorite book of him is A Dead Bat In Paraguay, if you want to read the synopsis,  you can find here.
Okay now I will repost his awesome article on his website, I want to PRESSTHIS but since I can’t find feature on his website so I will copy-paste his article here, ITS REALLY HELP ME A LOT and I hope it would help you also :)
Lets ROCK !

1. You don’t know how to tell a story in a way that gets a girl’s imagination going.
You don’t know how to share interesting experiences that not only make her wish she was there with you but also make her want to be with you in future stories as well.

2. You’re too needy.
You contact a girl much more than she contacts you. You freak out if she doesn’t call back right away. You worry when there is nothing to worry about.

3. You don’t know how to build attraction.
You don’t know what a girl’s buttons are. You don’t know how to talk to her in a way that makes her more interested in you as time goes on.

4. You haven’t optimized your look.
Have you taken the time with different hair and beard configurations, or do you still look the same as five years ago, wearing that same shirt with the stain on the sleeve? You don’t need model good-looks to have sex with pretty girls.

5. You don’t drink.
Alcohol is a magical drug that makes getting laid significantly easier, and I’m not talking about getting girls drunk. Just one drink increases the chance you will get laid about 20%. Three drinks in her system is all you need.

6. You don’t work out.
You’re a fright to look at naked. You don’t have to be a meathead, but if you feel good about your body then you’ll feel good about yourself, and this comes across in a positive attitude with girls you talk to.

7. You’re a pussy.
You don’t want to get rejected. You don’t understand that guys who get the most women also get rejected the most.

8. You don’t know how to make a girl laugh.
I like to think that a childhood of watching Simpsons and Seinfeld is all you need to be funny, but there are humor how-to books you can learn from as well.

9. You have an extreme deformity that hopefully can be fixed with either hard work (obesity) or surgery (gigantic nose).
Modern science has come a long way.

10. You don’t have confidence.
You don’t like the man you see in the mirror. You don’t believe that you were meant to sleep with lots of girls. You’ve given up and sloth around playing video games or poker, praying and hoping that maybe one day you’ll get lucky instead of doing the work necessary to be an interesting, confident man that girls like.

11. You limit your prospect pool by only going after girls at work or in your meager social circle.
You think the only way to get a girl is to have some sort of prior introduction. You’ve never tried walking up to her cold in a bar, coffee shop, or bookstore.

12. You believe you need to be friends with a girl first.
You think that a girl has to see you as a buddy before she can see you as a lover. Unfortunately there is no animal lust in friendship. By being friends first, you almost guarantee that that’s all you’ll ever be.

13. You do dinner dates.
They greatly decrease your chances of getting action. Not only does all that food impede the absorption of the wine (see number five), but you’re sitting far away from her, unable to touch. Do drink dates instead where you can sit right next to her as that alcohol takes hold.

14. You’re not persistent.
You give up way too easily. You don’t understand that you may need to get rejected a few dozen times before you come across a girl that likes you. Maybe more. Second to not even trying, giving up too early is the most common mistake guys make.

15. Your breath reeks.
It doesn’t matter how fun or good-looking you are, but if your breath smells then you’re not getting anything.

16. You have limited life experiences.
It’s hard to hold a conversation with a women if all you know about is sports. You can fake it a bit if you’re a voracious reader, but the best way to talk about interesting things is to do interesting things. Chances are that doesn’t involve a computer or television.

17. You’re cheap.
You need to pay to play. This means keeping up a presentable appearance and going to places where the women are. Even the cheapest drinks at happy hour bars are going to cost you money, and many of those dates will not result in sex. Unless you’re in Thailand paying $10 a bang you’re going to have to get used to the idea that it costs money to get laid. Just don’t confuse this with showing off your money to women. If you’re interesting and make a girl laugh, she won’t care you’re poor in order to have sex with you, though she may not see you as long-term potential.

18. You’re not cool.
Do other people not want to hang out with you? Do they dislike your company? Do people make fun of you behind your back? Do you have trouble maintaining friendships? Do you look or dress like an idiot? While the definition of being cool depends on where you live, it does involve a degree of fitting into society, as the girls you will be trying to bang live in said society as well. If you’re going to be uncool, then you will have to hang in places where uncool girls are and try to get with them (e.g. goth bar).

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